Delivering Healthy Breakfast at Scale to millions
Pragmatic entrepreneur, is what describes Anindita well. She loves to trek and travel and it was during her jaunt in the US that she thought about delivering Tasty and Healthy Breakfast options to Indians. When she looked around, she realized that there were hardly any Tasty and Healthy eating choices. She decided to jump head long into entrepreneurship along with her Sister Suhasini to start Yoga Bars. When they started, no one was making breakfast bars in India. And India’s varied temperature conditions meant that recipes and manufacturing processes that worked overseas would not work in India. It was similar to what Sam Pitroda faced while designing telecom solutions for India. Listen to Anindita of YogaBars and how she is Delivering a healthy breakfast to millions.
Anindita and her sister brought a pragmatic approach to figuring out how to make the bars and were also smart in taking advantage of the digital commerce trend to scale their reach. Even though she is not from an entrepreneurial family, it feels like she knows the basics and like a good startup. Their focus and clarity has helped them scale to where they have.
They are well positioned to scale further from here. Great story! If you’re struggling to make progress in your startup, this episode will be a booster shot! Hear from Anindita Sampath herself of Yoga Bars on Scaling To Millions.
Here are some excerpts from the episode:
So I think it was a couple of things one is just the idea by itself. I think in our mind it was very clear that the market was there. The other was, is it you know, I mean, it is something that we can do. You know, it was just those two questions. We didn’t ask ourselves too many other questions outside that it was we’ll try and we’ll take it step by step.
Anindita 10:52
But not a lot of entrepreneurs actually go through, you know, this kind of practical thinking. Most of them, I meet a lot of them, who fall into either ends of the spectrum, the ones that are completely naive and then have no clue. And that actually stops them from doing anything. And the ones at the opposite end of the spectrum, who literally are just dreaming big, dreaming big and then strategizing, but really not taking any action.
Krishna 12:13
Listen to another Maharani of Scale Talk About Her Incredible Scale Journey
I think it’s a little about just staying the course, you know, you just have, and there’s a lot of circumstances also which affect whether things go well, or don’t go well. But and that’s something you can’t really control. But I think keeping in mind things that you can control and just staying the course I mean, not just getting to the next day, next month is I think you need to give yourself that, that a window to do that. And I think overthinking things sometimes doesn’t help too much.
Anindita 13:01
Initial Knowledge Came From YouTube
A lot of ways we were kind of pioneers in the bar industry in terms of manufacturing it in India itself and selling it in India. So, I mean, whether you believe it or not, a lot of our initial knowledge was through YouTube and food factory videos.
Anindita 14:45
Oh, we have a very, very flat organization structure. I mean, everyone. I mean, I think it’s, I think when people from outside come in, it’s a little bit of a shocker to them, how flat we are and there is absolutely no, what do you call it filter between how people talk regardless of their designation.
Anindita 35:29
Show Notes
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