Starting from a small town in Rajasthan to scaling Indiqube
Meghna Agarwal found a spouse in her business partner and so started the journey of scaling many startups including Indiqube(@indiqube). She claimed to not have a story but here is an interesting story of a woman with a Company Secretary and a CFA background who dared to look beyond the gender barriers and created a scale story. Listen to Meghna from Indiqube on scaling from a small town.

Meghna is witty, extremely passionate and a role model to women entrepreneurs. In the episode, she shares her journey of finding a co-founder, building startups and her experience in running a family business. Her clear sense of clarity comes across abundantly. Listen to this story!

Here are some interesting snippets from the conversation
It’s good to have a different thought process because then it is healthy. So as long as its healthy and you respect it, I think it works fantastic, I think that works wonders.
If a layman doesn’t understand that niche then it is a problem – a serious problem with the model and this is what I feel, you add technology and all that’s a different thing. But if I see a layman doesn’t understand your product, there’s a problem.
how do you think about scale? the very, very important thing, which I strongly believe that to build scale, you have to think scale, and that is very important
Entrepreneurs Assemble!
We are entrepreneurs. We should personally help each other. You have these Ethiopian runners. So when they run in Ethiopia there is no oxygen. So people are all out of breath. But when they come to Boston, they go mad as there is so much of oxygen and they will just run. So we are to open to founders and Indian open founders.
I always maintained that Wework is a product of a developed economy. And Indiqube is a product of a developing economy. So that kind of says it all. Wework trust me is a great model. The thing is that the Indian market is separate. India market is different. Indian market is a huge market. I’m hoping and I’m sure that they could have worked around to get into that thing. It was just that you become so big that it takes time to move around, but they would have moved with the capital – the kind of resources they acquired.
Live Free of Guilt Says Meghna
I think for women specifically for women, if you ask me, you have to really live life free of guilt. That’s very, very important. If you’re working work without guilt. If you’re a housewife or a homemaker, you do it without a guilt. All this things add up: if I go outside then ‘oh my god, I have left my kids behind ‘and if I’m at home then ‘Oh my god I’m missing on my career I think that guilt free life is very very important.
If you’re doing whatever you’re doing then you do it with lots of focus and clarity. You need to have a consistent effort to make it- you cannot leave that in between. Your dream, your approach towards a dream can change but a dream is one. You can’t keep changing your dreams. So women I think, they give it up easily. They don’t fight for it.
Meghna is a serial entrepreneur with an intense eye on spaces and spaces at large. With a life long partnership in Rishi, it may not be wrong to say that these spaces ‘have it all’.

Show Notes
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